Wednesday 14 September 2011



I have found lately that people tend to expect other people to make them happy; if you have been following my blog you’ll know I believe that we are each in control of our emotions, happiness and futures.

I have seen how people expect someone else to ensure their own happiness without consideration to their own actions, responses or involvements in their lives.

We have become self obsessed in our aim to protect and care for ourselves.  Media also claims that we must care for no one but ourselves.  If this is the case how can any person on earth be happy?  We can only be loved when we love someone else.  We can only be truly happy when we make someone else happy!  Take having a child for instance; it is not having the child that makes you feel complete or happy.  It’s in knowing they will always need you, want to be loved and are reliant on you. By giving them this, they return it full heartedly and thus the circle is complete.  Only with a complete circle can we feel loved and happy.

Arabian Proverb
If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.

The less we give of our hearts the more things spiral out of control, I see many times we try to remedy this with silent treatment or ignoring the other person or so on.  This makes the little seed of anger and resentment grow into a full-blown tree that is waiting to break through the holds of your heart!

Helen Keller
Many persons have the wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.

I write this to remind us all that whether we are right and whether we are wrong doesn’t matter.  At the end of the day it is our reaction to a situation or emotion that destroys our happiness.  Our happiness can be achieved by realizing that its a matter of choice and giving of one’s self!  I believe our soul’s composition was made to be shared and not kept for ourselves. 

So for tonight I ask you to do 3 things:
·        Forget your anger or resentment or any other negative feeling you may be having.
·        Let the people you care about know how much they mean to you! Yes do it all over again for the hundredth time!
·        And lastly i ask you to despite the reaction or event that has happened compile & share the list of blessings or things you can be thankful for!
May you have a love filled week!