Tuesday 26 June 2012

Do You want to get well?

“Do You Want to Get Well?”
Tommy Harrison

That's a curious question for Jesus to ask a man who has been sick for 38 years! But the disabled man's answer is just as intriguing as the question; he replied to Jesus, “I have no one to help me.” Imagine going through an excruciatingly long and terrible illness without anyone to help you. It is difficult enough with medical and family support. What I have learned about the power of sickness is that disease is not the only way to become sick.

Deteriorating values weaken the family unit, the core of our society. The more frail families become, the more difficult it will be to rebound from the sickness in our society. Children should not be taught morality in school, on the playground, or while hanging out with friends. They need the direction of parents who are grounded in biblical principles and who teach them to their offspring by instruction and practice.

How do we deal with crippling sickness in our churches? Strife and pride can rip apart a congregation and leave them beaten up, bruised, and bewildered by the turmoil.

More than a few nations are now overcome by sickness, weakened by the misguided teaching of tolerance toward an ungodly society, stricken by the hand of a dishonest, greedy government. When the bedrock of a country's faith is shaken by non-Christian laws and practices we suffer the consequences of our immorality. What is the answer to this dilemma? You will find the answer in our scripture lesson for today.

After pronouncing the man at the Bethesda pool healed, Jesus later found him in the Temple where two life changing statements were made:

1. Jesus said, “Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”

2. “Then the man said to the Jews that it was Jesus who made him well.”

If God is ever to heal our families, our churches and our nations, we must first stop the sinning! Repentance is the first step to recovering our relationship with God. Secondly, we must confess that Jesus is Lord and He alone can make us well. Beloved, there is no other way to overcome the non-Christian influence which has spread like a runaway wildfire. If we continue to close our eyes to the problem it will engulf us; every ungodly act must be confronted with the truth of the Gospel. Measure every decision you make, and every decision that is made by people who represent you in government by the perfect standard of God’s Word. If it fails that test, it is a bad decision and will not please our Lord now or in eternity to come.

GospeLines Prayer: Father, praise Your Name for the promise, “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” Amen and amen.

The weak can never forgive.
Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.