Tuesday 23 October 2012

When life doesn't play ball.

I haven’t written anything in a while as life has thrown me with a few curve balls this year.

Most of you know me and know I hate it when things do not go according to plan and do not run smoothly.

This year has been like that so far and at nearly the end of October the schedule seems to look like it is still going to continue on that trend.

On a more positive note we as a family have made some really big changes for our health and the effects of my studies are also clearly visible even to people who don’t know us that well.

What I have learned is to accept all the things that jump up through life while grinding my teeth and keeping a smile on my face.  At night I take time to recap my day and rearrange anything that needs to be changed. I.e. diet, finances, schedules etc.  This helps relieve some of the stress I feel when things do not go according to my desires and I remind myself that every day is a new day, a new page, a new chance to get some things off my to do list (even though it sometimes feels like for every one thing I remove I add three more).

With broken ribs, I was out of action for about 2 weeks and the other 4 weeks were spent gently getting back into routine. Some days it feels like I lost 3 months but it has brought my focus back which is always a good thing when you tend to be overly ambitious.

I guess what I am saying is do not get to carried away with the rat race, it’s just life, The little things you do are the things that count.  The time you take to great and chat to someone in the line, or the extra hug you give the kids, or the extra 10 minutes you spend with your partner.  That is what life is about, as for everything else, we can’t control it, so live life to the full.  Accept the challenges with a smile and ride them out.  There is a saying that you cannot see the top of the mountain when you’re standing at its foot.

List the small things that are important and concentrate on doing a couple of them every day, doing many small things are what gets you closer to your bigger goals. (And ticking many small items of “the to do list” does feel good, doesn’t it?)

So inclosing, don’t stress when life throws you a curve ball, get out your biggest baseball bat and hit back with a smile.

Till next time,

Written by Claire Meintjes