Thursday 18 June 2015

Are you the fit enough to survive?

We’ve all heard the saying survival of the fittest.  We know this means the weak fall first and usually quickly.

Life throws us all curve balls, how we handle them creates a different person in each of us.  Some curve balls are easy to handle but every now and then we get that one (or sometimes 3) that shakes our foundation.  Life can deal us various blows, the loss of a loved one, financial ruin, destroyed relationships, loss of faith, drugs, abuse, and the list goes on.  These curve balls are aiming to get us out of the game of life. We do not want to hide, run or give up through these.  These must be and can be used for our own GAIN.

Will you allow something that has no personification to take control of you?  Will you allow the universe to tell you who and what you are? Or will you show it what you are made of?

Luckily we can always get up no matter how hard we fall.  The important thing is to focus on how fast we are going to get up.  How are we going to handle the setback?  Whether you crawl and then get on your knees and then your feet, consider it a VICTORY.
We tend to forget that falling down; being as low as we can possibly be is not the end of the world.  Our end only comes when we give up, When we decide to stop fighting for what we believe in.  When we accept the cards dealt to us without fighting for our destiny.  (Yes I believe we determine our own destiny) Our failures do not define who we are, our actions define who we are.

These curveballs always have a lesson to teach us, fortunately the sooner we learn the lesson, the sooner we will be back on our feet.  We need to evaluate our situation, our beliefs and our thinking.  Diamonds are formed from coal under severe pressure.  This is your pressure.

So I am writing this as a word of encouragement, no matter how long you have to crawl before getting back on your feet, go ahead, JUST DO IT! As dark as it may feel at the moment, crawling is better than having been knocked out by life. The biggest lesson these curveballs teach us is true appreciation, gratitude and the true meaning of life.

When you are back on your feet you will stand taller than ever before, stronger than you ever were, more determined to shape your life. These lessons create a deeper, more compasionate, stronger being.

So as hard as things are now or in the future remember focus on getting up.  Step by step till you can stand tall again. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself back.  DO NOT let life, fear or despair win.  You are greater than any of these.

It’s not about how hard you get hit; it’s about how many times you get back up.