Thursday 12 May 2011

Greed Vs Compassion

There are many instincts that we are born with the two I want to discuss today is greed and compassion.

I feel that compassion is more than having empathy with someone’s situation. It is about trying to understand it and in most situations there is a choice you can make. It’s the choice to help. Your help can be in a physical way IE that you can provide, food, money etc or it can be emotional IE a hug, words of comfort etc. We are made to help each other so; it is built into our genetics to have compassion for another human being. We can offer this neighborly service in such an array of ways the possibilities are endless.

Then there is the flip side to this emotion which is greed. It seems that this is becoming more and more acceptable and visible in our country these days. Many people have started focusing on themselves and no one else, not even their own families or workers or friends.  Greed is something that destroys the person who is showing these signs as well as everyone who may come into contact with such a person directly or indirectly. It is severely destructive and also has many facets of showing its signs. Whether it is greediness for money, affection, worldly items or even recognition or popularity, it destroys everything in its path. Sometimes this also shows as greediness for time in the sense that someone won’t make time for someone else, like in my case to let someone know they hit your dog. It would have taken 5 minutes to ensure the dog is ok, but instead they rush off without consideration.

We should practice our compassion. Offer that listening ear, the shoulder to cry on. Get rid of those extra blankets you had in storage for the last 2 years and offer a piece of your heart. Take the time to find the person whose card you just picked up, or to tell the person in front that they forgot an item at the till. The return is always seven times more if you are willing to wait without expectance. Let us bring humanity back into our society by caring that little bit more for others who will in turn care that little more about us. After all every one knows the saying “Do unto others as you want done unto you”. And “what goes around comes around” What will you do today to make someone else’s life a little brighter?

Controlling emotions

As human beings we have so many emotions that course through us. Women tend to rely on them a lot more than men do, yet we all experience them and react to each emotion differently.

We can experience happiness and joy but sometimes they feel so fleeting. We experience sadness and worry and they seem to stick around in our daily thoughts.

The reason for this is that negative emotions have more power on us, because we give them that power. Positive or happy emotions are great and need to be cultivated and concentrated on. Just like positive reinforcement, we have to work on our positive emotions and thoughts. We need to grow the seed into a tree that bears positive fruits.

This is a lot easier said than done, as we have all experienced at one point or another.

There is nothing wrong with feeling worried or down, but remember to count your blessing when you are down. Concentrate on the things in your life that are good and that will make you feel better. Even if the last thing you want to do is listening to your favorite band, put it on, soon enough you should be singing along. Sometimes we just need a little distraction from our own little world.

This little break in the cycle can put you in a better frame of mind, so that you can objectively look at your situation or emotions and make better decisions regarding your physical and mental wellbeing. This is naturally essential to us as well as those around us.

We draw other people down when we are negative, as well as affect our own quality of life. By concentrating on the blessings we do have we can break the cycle and make each day a little brighter. This is something that requires a lot of practice. There are days when you will fail but getting up and starting again is the only way out of the cycle.

By concentrating on the positive we will have a friendlier outlook on life. This in turn will draw people around you closer. We are always drawn to people that are light and happy. No one wants to have lunch with the office “moper”.

So take time to do something that ignites passion in your soul, which replenishes your mind and fills your heart! Be Happy

Thursday 5 May 2011

In Too deep?

I have often wondered when you distinguish talent from something that was learnt.

How does one know that something you are attempting is the right course? You have the passion, the burning desire to make it a success but how? You are limited in your resources, how do you find the conviction to know whether you are making the right choices?

I have been dwindling with a new venture, in which I have very little experience but lots of passion. I am trying to find guidance and trying to learn as much as possible in order to succeed and have also been pushed hard into making this a success. This is also my dream, to be very good in my new venture, to make it a success, to have people requesting my services.

Now what I am wondering is, is passion and willingness to learn enough, to make something a success, or do you need actual talent?

Here are my thoughts: without other resources having the willingness to search for information and to have the passion for something, does allow a measure of success. Of course talent is not all that is required. Talent without passion is worthless. Passion without talent, well I believe you can learn technique, but will it be enough to rise above the rest?

I have committed to this venture and have even offered free services in order to gain experience, which I am hoping should compensate for the potential lack of talent.

I don’t believe that one must give up if you feel you are in too deep. On the contrary it gives me more motivation to prove not only to myself, that this is a possibility. We should not give up without knowing we have tried every avenue or contacted every person that could have input into our projects. Besides there is no such thing as failing, except when you fail to get back up.

So as my nerves are a bit on edge as I contemplate this further, know this – we all get in too deep, the question is can we get up and out of the deep waters without drowning? Like survival instincts, I believe that passion and determination will make you a success, though it may take a little longer than someone who has a natural talent for something.

Best of luck to all of you, in your daily lives and daily ventures!