Monday 4 July 2011

HArties Haven Project

Harties Haven Project              
The face of pure joy!

This project was dear to the hearts of everyone involved. On Friday the 1st of July we had our big hand over to the children of Jedidajah House. These are abused children who have been taken away or abandoned by their family.

To start off, I want to say thank you to every person involved in this project. I am sure that the children changed our lives as much as we made them forget their stories for just one day.  I am sure each person has given a piece of his or her heart to each of those children! As I am sure they will remember each of us as well. Thank you for giving your time, energy resources and a piece of your heart!

The haven teaches the children independence and you can see that the children are fairly happy.

We started off by redecorating the bedrooms with new linens and curtains along with some essentials like a towel, face cloth and some toiletries for each child. There are 2 girl’s rooms, a baby room, a boy’s room and a trauma unit. Each with 4 beds and a bathroom and sink.

After a KFC lunch which had the kids very excited we revealed our big finale!  The kids had no idea that they were about to receive gifts! From scooters, to sweetie hampers, to school bags with accessories to Rescue kits (complete with fire engine and moveable helicopter, dolls with prams) It was pure bliss to watch these kids rip open the paper and seeing  their total pleasure and gratitude for the gifts glow across their faces. Sometimes that heartfelt thanks had a couple of us on the verge of tears, as did little Rocky’s prayer!  I am sure none of us will ever be unthankful for the blessings we have received in our lives again!

The children now have their own possessions, that is their own and not the property of the haven.  As small a thing as this may be to us, it is quite important to these little guys and they truly appreciated it. As little Wilm said while getting on his scooter “mine, mine”. He spent the next hour about racing up and down the pathway on his new scooter.

I know for sure that my life will never be the same after meeting these children and spending the day with them. They have touched every corner of my heart and I am even more excited to have our charity concert on 17 September 2011 turn out a huge success.

So guys once the tickets are available share them so we can fill the hall!

A thankfull heart,
Till next time!

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