Thursday 16 February 2012

Life's Highway

We all plan our lives and live it according to what we feel we want out of it.

I have seen many things lately which show that we tend to feel life is out of our control.  Yes there is a destiny that we have and we can only control so much.  My question is this, is the frustration and turmoil worth it all?

Yes we can control life in the choices we make but it does throw us a curve ball every so often. I am not saying give up control at all, I am saying we need to concentrate on that which we can control, like our decisions and let the rest go. We need to stop worrying about things we hear might happen and only worry about them once they actually happen. Cross the bridge when you get there.

Things we can control:

Our emotions – we can choose our outlook on life and our outlook will affect our emotions. We choose every second whether something is going to bother us or whether we will ignore it. We choose to see the negative or the positive in a situation.  Once we have conditioned ourselves to look only at the positive, life will be so much brighter! When our emotions are under control, the mountains don’t seem like the same mountains we see when we are frazzled and stressed.

Our Time- Most times we can choose how to use our time. I have found that the more we do, the more we are able to do. You will find that when most of your time is spent on quality not quantity, this also leads to more feelings of fulfilment. Is it really necessary to wash the clothes now, when the kids want to play, or do dishes when hubby wants to watch a movie? Prioritising will show you how you can eliminate time wasters and concentrate where you can gain precious time needed.

Our mental wellbeing: we need to concentrate on relaxing and doing stuff we enjoy, To break the monotony of everyday life. We need to take time to prioritise our lives and ourselves. Take time to congratulate yourself on a job/project or something that you have done well. Go get that manicure or facial or read that book you have been wanting too.  We too often wait for other people to show appreciation when we don’t even show it to ourselves.

So take the time to organize chaos and turn it into managed chaos!

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