Friday 19 August 2011


We have all had dreams but where have they gone?  Have we lost sight of our goals and aspirations?  Have we become stuck in the rat race with no excitement or major future growth to look forward too?
You would probably answer yes to at least one of these questions and I’d like to broaden the topic.
We all aspire to great things when we are children. We want to change the world. Boys want to become police men or brave fire fighters. Girls want to become doctors or nurses.  Most dreams are completely based on our ability to make a difference to the people around us.  Our original dreams were completely unselfish and pure.
However, we grew up.  We realized life is hard and you have to go through many trails in order to survive.  We also learned that along the way we have lost the natural ability to be unselfish and caring towards other people.  Compared to when we were children.
There are still people out there like this but in general we have all taken the motto “each man for himself” to heart.
What I wish to leave you with is this, remember those dreams, reconnect with the “little you” that is left , still hiding in your soul.  Reconnect with your dreams and aspirations.  Jot them down and adjust them to your current life style.  Have something to dream about! 
Doing interviews I realize that so many people are stuck in their lives and not aspiring to much, they have allowed their dreams to die.
Recapture them, live them and breathe them.  You are never too old to get a new hobby, to get the degree you have always wanted. To work for the big car you have wanted and STOP settling for the hum drum of everyday life!

We lost the need to be helped due to pride, this has caused others to lose the ability to help and feel needed. Get your motivation, the sparkle in your eye and the spring in your step back.  Take control of your life and LIVE it!

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