Thursday 19 January 2012

Self Perception

This is mainly for the women but the men who read it may understand us a little better.

We, as women, always look at ourselves critically; we cannot see what other people see in us.  Whether it be good traits, being pretty or looking good.  We always sell ourselves short. Examples like My hips are too big, My chest too small, my legs to thick or thin. There is someone who has no bum and wants one or has back problems etc.
We must remember that God made us PERFECT.  He does not make something that is anything but perfect. He does not make mistakes. Even though we might not think so, there is always someone who desires something that we have, whether it is a talent, our looks, or a personality trait.  There is always someone who wants something we have.
So why do we sell ourselves short?
I believe we have been indoctrinated by times and especially the media to have the perfect face and body. We listen to men comment on girls and wish we could get the same responses. (I believe behind our backs we do, but we will never hear about it). We need to behave in front of our own man in such a manner as to get those looks and comments. (Maybe just keep it behind closed doors, this will also prove an immense self esteem boost)

The solution?

I think the solution is to concentrate on inner beauty. Outer beauty is all superficial and fades with age in any way. Where inner beauty will be remembered long after we are gone.  This will also shine through and make us more beautiful on the inside. So it’s a win win situation.  I am not saying let yourself go. Do take care of your body; go buy yourself that sexy lingerie you have always wanted.  It does help with a self esteem boost.  As the saying goes when you feel beautiful you look beautiful, this in turn gives you confidence which makes you even more beautiful. Make a note of the compliments you do get and concentrate on remembering them!
So to each and every woman out there I want to say this: Remember you might not like how you look but there is always someone else who wants to look like you! Be proud of who you are and the rest will follow!


  1. Ek verstaan presies wat jy daar se. Ek sukkel self om myself te aanvaar en ek kry soveel komplimente maar dan kom een persoon en se iets negatief en eks sommer weer van voor af kritiserend op myself. Basta met dit! Ek verander van vandag af my gedagtes na positief toe.

  2. Awesome Girl - Go for it. Jy is regtig pragtig en dis die waarheid!
