Thursday 7 April 2011

A matter for the heart or mind?

A simple distinction right? Easier said than done! Discerning whether your inner voice is of your heart or your mind can be a challenge, but it is achievable and can make a huge difference to the choices that you need to make in everyday life.

In my observations the heart perceives the result, while the mind analyses  the path and our goal in life is to find that middle ground where both align.

Have you seen how distracting it can be when the heart and mind are not in unison regarding a decision?  It can feel like your torn apart when your heart desires something which is exactly the opposite of what your mind is demanding.

Many people say “trust your heart”, and I believe you should follow this advice and let it guide you. Your heart is always more optimistic than your mind because it usually believes the best about you no matter what mistakes you’ve made in the past. Believe it or not, your heart also generally believes in the best of humankind.

However it is life’s experiences, which programs the mind otherwise, the memory bank does this as part of it’s survival mechanism. The heart imagines the impossible and wants your dreams to become a reality, but don’t let it be the sole guide for your choices, as wisdom must be considered.  In short, the heart is essentially the light that makes any road become possible, but the mind is your guiding voice of reason.

Many people say “think with your head”, and I partly agree because we have a thought process for a reason, so it is necessary to listen to what your mind is telling you. In any decision making you must take the influence of both the mind and heart into consideration. 

You must always be aware that your mind can get clouded and influenced by emotions and fears, so a sound analysis is always necessary and time should be taken before making serious decisions.

Emotions and fears can taint every decision you make, even in your subconscious, your choices may result in a haunted feeling of not having achieved the most desirable result. Whether it is a fear of failure, a fear of loss or even a fear of embarrassment, your mind will find a way to link it into every decision you make. 

Remember every experience in life is there to teach us lessons in order for us to grow, not to destroy or maim us as the pessimistic side of our imagination would allow us to think.

Using your heart and mind can be the guide you need to change your life, to accomplish the things you dreamed of, even beyond your own expectations. 

I believe if we can separate the reality of genuine unchangeable circumstances from the stumbling-block influences of our fears and emotions, then we can find the perfect harmonic collaboration between heart and mind.

This will ultimately lead to making the best choices for ourselves and help us to become more objective, starting with small things and gradually upgrading your dreams and aspirations to the massive mind blowing passions in your heart!

Life is to be lived to the maximum, so grab your heart and mind and dive into your next adventure.

Believe in yourself like your heart does, know your limits like your mind does and journey on the yellow brick road in between, and success will surely be at the end of your escapades.

Believing in yourself and the opportunities, which arise will open up a whole set of new doors that you may never have known were available to dream big!

Written by Claire Meintjes

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