Thursday 7 April 2011

Need More Positive Vibes?

Positivity is something we all crave and need, yet it is something we have to work on.
It does not come automatically, it is a change in your thinking, the way you see life, ultimately a change of heart.

This will have a major impact on your life if you can remember the other side of the half empty glass. The glass is also half full. Everything in life has two sides, positive and negative, Ying and Yang. We just have to concentrate on the good side of it.

A dear friend of mine is always bombarded with the bad; she was in a job she hated, verbally abused by customers on a daily basis. How can she be positive? How do you get past the hard things that happen to you on a regular basis?
You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create the legend or not.
~Isabel Allende
Your life is your story, you write it, you design it, things may come your way but you ultimately decide how they will affect you and what you will do with the story. Are you going to be the HERO or are you going to let life walk all over you?

Take control of your story, of your life, you will be amazed by the results:

Here are some tips on taking back control:
List the good things that happen to you.
Write them down where you will see them regularly, remember the compliments you get. Mull them over, print them to memory. They are harder to remember but mean so much more.

Every morning when you wake up list three things:
Firstly: One thing you are grateful for, whether it is health, a place to stay, your family, this can be anything.
Secondly: List something you like about yourself. Again anything here works. Remember that you can not use the same thing twice; everyday has to be something new.
And lastly if you have a goal, affirm that goal every morning. Whether it is something small or a big career goal, believing in you is the key to achieving that goal.

Surrounding yourself with positive people and thoughts will rub off; it will influence you beyond comprehension. You will begin to draw people towards you. You will impact the people around you giving you more items for your lists.

Remember: very little is needed to make a happy life.
~Marcus Aurelius
Remember to be positive to the people you meet, even if they are rude your optimism and friendliness will leave some ashamed and others uplifted. You never know what they are going through. Be the light in your story that shines into everyone’s lives.

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