Thursday 7 April 2011

Are you a woman or an angel?

Today is just another day in your schedule of 100 things that need to be done.

Every day you run through your chores, you listen to every ones demands, you give them every part of yourself as much as you can, until you flop down in bed, utterly exhausted. Does this sound like your life? Does it feel like you are just a woman on auto pilot?

Well, here is what I want to share with you: You are firstly a woman, secondly you may be a mother and a wife as well.

A friend once told me that God created woman as this is the closest thing one will experience on earth, to His unconditional love. In other words, the only person who can love you more than a woman or a mother is God. How awesome is that?

Pro 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
 Acts 9:36 ……this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.

You have so much to do and so many people to take care of, family, friends, because you can handle it. Because you are strong enough to love everyone, there is always, somehow a little piece of you left.

On behalf of everyone around you, I want to say thanks for every bit of yourself you sacrifice for those around you.

I also want to remind you to take time to recharge, to re-align and re-energize. Take me time - like a ship sinking says "may day" get a "my day". You need me time, deserve me time and will only be able to give a better part of yourself have you done so.

As a woman you are there to support fellow woman, you are an integral part of a relationship, the keeper of the house (i.e. nothing can happen without you so, you are right they do need you) a professional in the workplace.
As a mother you are the primary caregiver, the most important building block for a safe and happy childhood. You have many hats you have to wear everyday from doctor, to teacher, to principle, to mom, to friend, chef, cleaner, nanny and so the list continues.
As a lover or wife, you need to be a seductress, a friend, a soul mate, always ready and waiting.

And all this in one day! But you can, that's why you are the woman. Women are angels sent by God to look after his cherished ones.

You can carry the world on your shoulders and you would still manage to care for every one. (Even if it doesn’t feel that way)

I would like you to realize the value you have as a woman, your importance in society, you are the one who influences the household, the mood of the coming day, the level of happiness in the house.  If you have children here is a test, notice how long it takes the children and your partner to pick up and reflect your mood?
If you have no children, how long does it take your partner to sense your mood and react to it?  It is so easy to influence those around us merely by our moods, because we hold all the power, as their guardian angels.

I hope this blog has shown you how important you are, not just as a woman or a lover but also as a mother.  I hope you can now look at your chores as deeds of love and service to every one that needs a piece of your heart. And in so doing will continue to enrich every around you and knowing how important your smallest deed is to each and every one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Something to remember at the end of every day:)
    Well said:) Baie mooi manier om ons vrouens te besktyf!
