Thursday 7 April 2011

Need a break?

Our lives are a constant rush to get things done. We are running around whether it is for daily chores, our jobs and the house and kids. The list of things to do never stops. You have responsibility to see the family, the friends and make time for your household.

We have to learn to step out of the rat race every once in a while. The reassess our goals and to make sure we are on the right track. Though working hard and being a busy person is not bad being too busy and going without a direction is. We need to congratulate ourselves for our accomplishments, whether it is at home, and work, personal or even just managing to get everything done in a hectic day. Buy yourself that bracelet; take yourself out for that dinner, or a glass of Champaign. You deserve it.

We have to assess our goals constantly to make sure we are heading towards them. It takes lots of baby steps to accomplish something big. Like that big house you have always dreamt of, or that dream holiday. It may take you 10 years to reach that goal but the pay off will be significantly more than if you got it, given to you on a silver platter and your gratitude so much greater.
~Gary Ryan Blair
List your goals and also keep a list of the smaller goals that you do achieve. Write them down so you can revert back to them for encouragement.

Every now and then you have to step back from your situation and reassess. Are you stressed, are you tired, do you need a weekend away? Do you need some quiet time; if the answer is yes to any of the above, why not take a break? Learn to say no, to take the time you need to recharge, not only for yourself but for the people around you as well. They will love and respect you for it.

~M.J. Ryan

Remember taking your break, and reassessing your goals and achievements will give you the strength, perseverance and will to carry on. It will give you the determination to continue in the rat race for your pay off. At the end of the day having a positive outlook because you know where you are heading and this will lead you into the future smiling.

~Viktor E. Frankl

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