Wednesday 20 April 2011

Good vs evil.

We have all been taught about good and evil. We know what is right and what is wrong.
Somehow in society these lines have become very blurred. This blog is something I feel very strongly about and it is a very personal piece, so please bear with me.

We were taught that pulling rude faces or swearing or to kill is wrong. To hurt someone or say bad things are wrong. Yet how easily do we judge or scold or talk about someone behind their back. It has become the norm.

Now what I really want to discuss is how the evil in our everyday lives, have become normal and we do not flinch when someone sings a song that insults Jesus or wears a demonic outfit. We do not flinch when we watch horror movies or see accidents or dead people on the news.  We have become so desensitized that even our children are seeing and hearing these things, on a daily basis and we wonder why they have become violent.

I can name lots of examples but I will just list a few, Lady Gaga’s has 2 songs, Fernando and Judas. Comparing their meanings and words next to each other shows us how it has become acceptable in society, that demonic powers are visible and blatant. I know there are many who disagree with me here, but the proof is in the pudding. This is not just about Christian religion (which I am) but most religions preach the same values.

We need to sensor our lives as; we were censored when we were raised. We need to watch the films with our kids to see the whole story with them. Lots of Animated movies these days have a PG rating of 10, and we have 5 year olds watching PG 10 movies or WWE, and we wonder why we have become a violent society.

Many children are not ready for WWE or Casper or Scooby doo at such a young age. WE have children staying awake at night afraid of ghosts; we have teens having sex by 13 and parents by the age of 16. I feel somewhere we as society may have sacrificed our humanity and morals for the lights, riches and promises “Hollywood” offers, which in the end leads to the damned.

The war is waging and we are not paying attention! Be vigilant and protect yourself, your mind, your heart and your children!

Please consider this carefully and feel free to discuss it if you want more examples.

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